Pro-Holistic Testimonials
These are some of the many testimonials that we have received for our services. Services that range from treatment of individual clients through to providing on-site clinics for our corporate clients.
Client Testimonials
Hi Des
Home from Austria, had a fantastic time, almost pain free. No sleepless nights. My anti-inflammatories have been finished for a week now and I really feel things are improving. I can’t thank you enough. You have made such a difference, I don’t think I would’ve been able to enjoy my holiday without your help. I am continuing to exercise the arm and shoulder and have more flexibility all the time. I wouldn’t have been at this stage without your help so thank you very much.
Thanks again
Hi Des,
Just thought I should send you a wee message to let you know how much doing the Qigong instructors course has helped me personally. I had just started 4th year at Uni when I came on the course. Uni has been horrendous and a few times it has been bad enough to make me consider leaving but doing Qigong has been a life saver. It has got me through some very tough times.
Big thank you to you for teaching me this beautiful art. Qigong had definitely came into my life at the right time.
Dear Des,
Just a quick note to say that you were right: relief from pain was immediate, and the effects of the session I had with you are indeed longer lasting.
I have never been to anything like this before, excepting very specific treatments from physiotherapists for football injuries.
The general advice about posture, and how to sit both in the car and at the computer, is also proving invaluable, as was the diagnosis about what the problem was in the first place. I would never have believed it possible.
Yours sincerely
Russell Wardrop
Dear Sir,
We would like to take this opportunity in truly thanking you for the first class service that you provided to ourselves. We are most grateful to you for your prompt diagnosis of a health problem.
We cannot praise your expertise highly enough and will most certainly be passing your details to friends, family and business associates.
Many thanks
David Taylor
Corporate Client Testimonials
To Whom It May Concern:
In 1997, Des approached Scottish Nuclear regarding the possibility of holding Shiatsu clinics on site for our staff. It was decided that we (Dr. Christopher Kalman and I) should interview Des to gain a better understanding of both himself and Shiatsu. We were impressed by his professionalism and knowledge and concluded that he should be given a period of probation in which we could assess the impact, if any, that Shiatsu would have on the staff.
At the beginning, the Shiatsu clinics were on a half-day basis. As Des became busier, word of his clinics spread to our headquarters at British Energy in Edinburgh and, due to demand, Des started a clinic there. Now Des holds two clinics per month here in East Kilbride and is always fully booked, such is the demand, with all levels of employees using his services.
The feedback we have had has all been positive and (according to the feedback received) Des has successfully treated a broad spectrum of complaints ranging from stress to sports injuries. I personally believe these sessions help alleviate pain and keep employees at work as well as raising their feeling of wellbeing.
I cannot recommend Des highly enough. In fact, he has become such a part of British Energy that he has even been issued with a security pass.
Yours sincerely
Rosemary MacAllister RGN, RFN, DipOHN, BTAA Occupational Health Adviser
Dear Des,
I am writing to let you know that at last week’s staff meeting the team spoke of the lift they get when you come to the office for one of your therapeutic surgeries.
With the good vibes after the most recent visit, I think even the new boys in the team will soon be plucking up the courage to submit themselves to your tender mercies.
Many thanks once again. These sessions are doing wonders for our staff relations. As they are only costing us the time and space, they are great value too for the company. Kindest Regards.
Yours sincerely
Don Spence Managing Director, Spence Allan Associates
Qigong Courses Testimonials
- “I have read, and tried to follow, and heard ‘Sink the Chi’ but as my previous teacher never used the word Chi at all, it’s been hard to adjust to and hard to find exactly what is meant by that simple and very basic instruction. I have to say that (after two years studying with you) I can feel something moving now, something subtle, something that does indeed sink or rise with or against the arms when the body is not sinking and rising. It is partly lead by the mind/intention (Yi?) but is a definite internal movement/sensation. I have had quite intense sensations in the arms and hands today supplementary to that. There are still a few blanks, places where I’m not sure where the Chi has ‘gone’, but it is getting clearer. Now to work on ‘raise the Shen’ which I think I have some idea of, but hopefully it will become clearer.Thank you so much again for your help and guidance.”
- “……………… just wanted to thank you for a wonderful weekend. It was brilliant, I really enjoyed it. I gained much more than I expected to. Thanks for opening my eyes.”
- Really interesting weekend – it has inspired me to continue on my path for which I thank you so much.”
- “I am so glad that I made the decision to attend a truly inspirational workshop and to have benefited from an introduction to the amazing powers of QiGong. I am aware that we only experienced an ‘insight’ but even so I consider that I am now in a better position to pass on quality teaching to my students, and having been an FE Lecturer for many years, I believe delivering quality is of paramount importance.
I also thank you (and your wife) for your hospitality in providing delicious lunches and snacks – greatly appreciated!” - “Attending this Workshop was a very motivational experience; an exercise of discovery providing a brief insight into the amazing power of QiGong. I would recommend this inspirational workshop to all who have an interest in QiGong”
- “Thanks des. Really exceeded expectations. Will take time to assimilate the information properly before introducing to my classes.”
- “Just thought I should send you a wee message to let you know how much doing the Qigong instructors course has helped me personally. I had just started 4th year at Uni when I came on the course. Uni has been horrendous and a few times it has been bad enough to make me consider leaving but doing Qigong has been a life saver. It has got me through some very tough times.
Big thank you to you for teaching me this beautiful art. Qigong had definitely came into my life at the right time.” - “An excellent weekend and I learned so much more about myself that can be brought into my classes, I now feel more confident that I can deliver qigong more effectively to my students and also enjoy the benefits for myself, thank you so much.”
- “Learning about Chi and feeling the Chi was an experience.”
- “Really enjoyed the course, very interesting. Taught at a good pace to let all the info sink in, good to have the notes away to refer back to, and the website for continues support.
Thanks Des.” - “Thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience.”
- “Thank you Des. Really enjoyed the workshop and your style of teaching the group.”
- “Excellent instructor, easily understood, good analysis, some helpful tips and suggestions. Thank you.”
- “Really interesting course. Made me want to learn more about he background and how move have different effects on the various parts of the body.”
- “Felt better about the postures and learning to be aware about the postures.”
- “This has been a truly wonderful course.”
- “A brilliant training course.”
- “Looking forward to seeing you and doing the course in November, one of my colleagues in BHQA was with you earlier this year and recommended it to me, to quote her words ‘it was superb’….”
Women’s Self Defence Course Testimonials
“Very good course – has made me consider my surroundings on a night out and my abilities to get out of a situation.”
“Gave confidence so as not to be fearful and that you do not need to use brute force.”
“The course has given me confidence to defend myself.”
“Excellent course and the instructor was very informative.”
“The use of circles and the analogies used made me remember things easier.”
On behalf of the girls I would like to say a big thank you for agreeing to teach the class. I have looked through the feedback forms from the girls and they all seemed to love it. Here are a few quotes from them.
- “I enjoyed all of it and would not change anything except maybe making it a longer session.”
- “I loved finding out all about the pressure points.”
- “I have really enjoyed this class; I hope that I won’t need to use it though.”
- “Been a good laugh and I have learned a lot.”
Thanks again
Kim Hannah – Universal Connections
Community Education Testimonials
Dear Des,
Thank you for your involvement in our Multi-cultural Day. Our pupils enjoyed taking part in your workshop and benefited greatly from this.
We hope that you will be willing to participate in this event at a future date, perhaps during next session.
Yours sincerely
Val Waddell Multi-cultural Day Co-ordinator Earnock High School
Auchentibber is a Resource Centre accessed by adults with varying degrees of learning disabilities, and for several years has received tuition in Tai-Chi from tutor Des Lawton.
This activity has proved to be both popular and beneficial to the Service Users of Auchentibber, resulting in development in many areas.
Tuition in this ancient art has been extremely popular and some of the benefits are: –
- Development of dexterity and motor skills.
- Enhanced memory.
- Flexibility of movement.
- Team building and consideration of others.
- Development of an awareness of safety for themselves and others.
The activity has appeared to have produced a calming effect on those who may present a challenging behaviour. Tai-Chi has been very successful in all aspects and those involved are ever keen to continue and develop their knowledge.
Ruth McCafferty, Day Centre Officer Auchentibber Resource Centre
The service users from Cathkin Resource Centre (now Lifestyles) have been accessing the Taiji class for at least the last five years. I have spoken to the service users and staff to see what they feel they attain from Taiji. It was felt that balance, co-ordination, and relaxation were all beneficial to our group members. They appear more relaxed as the Taiji they have learned enhances gentle and controlled breathing techniques in a calming atmosphere.
Interaction in a community-based resource, following the instructor, promotes turn taking and makes the service user gain more confidence while participating in a physical activity, in a group setting. Taiji is also beneficial to our service users in the way that it highlights the importance of their senses such as visual, hearing and touch which are used throughout the Taiji programme.
Our staff and service users, throughout the years, benefit from this programme in many ways.
Many thanks
Agnes Harvey, Day Centre Officer Cathkin Resource Centre (now Lifestyles)
Dear Des,
Yet again, our Limbs with Attitude event on Sunday proved to be a great success with both our amputees and their families and friends, and I would like to thank you for helping to make it possible. I was sorry I didn’t manage to any of your sessions, especially as I heard a few stories about too much energy and strange tingling sensations! – may be next time lucky!
So once again, on behalf of everyone at the Murray Foundation and all of the participants, many thanks for helping to make Limbs with Attitude such a great day.
Best Wishes
Susan (Susan Shaw MBA, MBAPO) The Murray Foundation
Dear Des,
Thank you for your excellent contribution to our event. I hope you enjoyed the day; the pupils certainly did. I also hope the event will continue in our new school, Calderside Academy, which we move in to in August. If so, I will be in touch next year!
Val Waddell Multi-cultural Day Co-ordinator Earnock High School
Dear Des,
I can tell you that everyone enjoyed their taste of Taiji and asked where they could join a full class. The day was a complete success and this being my first involvement, it was very fulfilling and also tiring day……………………….. Once again, thank you very much.
V. Gourlay
Dear Mr. Lawton,
I would like to thank you very much for your interesting talk on Monday about Tai Chi and its many benefits.
Most of our ladies up until that evening knew next to nothing about it and it was a real eye-opener to find out more of the details and the background. We had visions of any exercise you wanted us to take part in involving touching our toes or sitting cross-legged on the floor! I am sure also for your part, if you had walked in on a group of senior citizens in leotards.
Once again many thanks for your very informative and interesting talk.
Yours sincerely,
E. Arderne (Secretary)